About StormHour & how you can help.
We have Retweeted photographers and meteorologists 1.48 million times. That equates to over 500 times per day, every day for eight years.

A few Stats.
In Eight years on Twitter, we have Retweeted photographers and meteorologists 1.48 million times from our two primary accounts @StormHour and @ThePhotoHour
That equates to over 500 times per day, every day for eight years, including weekends and Bank Holidays.
Since July 2016, we have hosted over 500 photography competitions and counting.
We have conducted hundreds of interviews and features with Meteorologists and photographers.
We have published 600 posts and articles on the StormHour website, with a total of approximately 350,000 words written (all penned by Mark).
We also run a couple of niche accounts, most notably @MacroHour and @SnowHour
Also, we have an Instagram account, Facebook page, and community to maintain.
How can you help?
Even a small donation can go a long way to help.
You can donate by becoming a member of this website and community.
As a member, you will also be entitled to the many extra benefits we offer.
If you prefer to make a one-off donation, you can do so at our ko-fi page
Website – Maintenance and development
Accountancy costs
Photo editing tools
Software licences
Scheduling tools
E-signature licencing from HelloSign (Imperative to sell videos online with the correct licence agreement)
Donations – Our primary income comes from donations and memberships via this website (you can sign up from this page)
Video sales – we make a small amount from video sales in a hugely competitive market.
Who are StormHour?
Mark (@StormHourMark). Based in Macclesfield (UK) I write the newsletter and conduct the interviews and competitions.
I also write and build every page on the website and engage with our partners.
I pay all the bills.
Adele (@StormHourAdele) is based in Manchester. She does a huge amount of work on Twitter promoting photographers, retweeting and curating relevant and exciting content and helping connect with Meteorologists.
If StormHour is retweeting you, Adele is likely the one hitting the big blue button. Adele also runs our niche accounts (MacroHour and SnowHour). Occasionally she sleeps, but not very often.
Having studied climatology at University in the 80s and having dabbled with photography mostly as an amateur but with the occasional professional placement, the idea of running a platform that merged these two interests has always appealed to me.
I didn’t realise just how large the accounts would grow and how the time spent maintaining them would grow exponentially. It’s the very definition of a Labour of Love.
We receive feedback regularly, and it is incredibly positive. As well as giving a platform for people to showcase their photography, which can be extremely difficult, especially if you have a small social media community, I think we provide a haven of calm, tranquillity and beauty in a, let’s face it, occasionally hateful space and in troubled times. We don’t judge people, we don’t argue, and we don’t spread any negativity and people like that.
How can you help if you are unable to donate?
If you cannot donate (we understand these are very difficult times), just reading our articles, liking, retweeting or joining in on the photo themes and competition will be more than enough.
Thank you for your support; if you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me at mark@stormhour.com or DM us on Twitter.
Catch up soon, and keep taking & sending great photos. Mark and the team.