Featured Meteorologist Greg Dewhurst

Greg is a Media Advisor and Senior Operational Meteorologist working at the UK Met Office

Featured Meteorologist Greg Dewhurst
Greg Dewhurst

Q and A StormHour Featured Meteorologist – Greg Dewhurst

Greg Dewhurst – Met Office, UK.

Greg Dewhurst is a Media Advisor and Senior Operational Meteorologist working at the UK Met Office. He is also a STEM ambassador.

“if you are interested in a career in Meteorology or would like to know anything else then don’t hesitate to get in touch.”

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Question 1. What was your most memorable weather event?

A very good question. In recent years it has to be December 2010. Living down here in Exeter, snow is usually a rare event seeing perhaps the odd flurry once a year. However, in 2010 we experience a good few inches of snow. I remember waking up, looking out of the window and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I am originally from Yorkshire, where I grew up with snow, so it felt like being back at home, definitely not the southwest of England!

Question 2. What is your favourite and least favourite type of weather?

My favourite weather has to be Thunderstorms! I have been storm chasing in the USA twice, both times I saw plenty of amazing thunderstorms and large hail etc and both times I did not see a tornado… I will return one day and see one in person for sure….My least favoured weather? It has to be dull grey and boring stratocumulus and stratus. Hard to forecast at times when its stuck under high pressure and nothing every interesting comes from it.

Question 3. If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?

I think I would be a Geography Teacher. I really loved it growing up, mostly physical geography and I also enjoy passing on my knowledge to others. I am a STEM ambassador at the Met Office, where I help host Science Camps within the Met Office every summer where young kids come and learn about the science behind the weather! Great fun! I also give presentations about my job and the weather during the Met Office Open Days which run several times throughout the year.


Question 4. From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?

Somewhere in the World that experiences all types of weather. Part of me would love to live in Oklahoma where the Summers are hot but there are also storms and then winters are cold with snow and ice. A great mix!

Question 5. Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I joined the Met Office in 2008, and during my career I have forecast within the aviation, military and commercial sectors. But currently you will find me within the media side of forecasting, not only looking after our customers but delivering information through Met Office social media as well as the occasional video forecast on the app and website.

If you are interested in being a Featured Meteorologist on StormHour please contact mark @ stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter