Featured Photographer Sryan Bruen
A keen nature and landscape photographer from Dublin, Ireland, with a particular obsession for beaches.

Q and A with Photographer Sryan Bruen
I am a keen nature and landscape photographer from Dublin, Ireland with a particular obsession for beaches. You can usually find me around Burrow Beach where I’ve taken most of my favourite photos that I share. When I am not out capturing new photos, I am either processing old ones, planning future shoots or thinking of creative ways to capture a location. I started to capture photos regularly in late 2017 when weather was becoming interesting after a mediocre few years since 2013. Initially, these images were only with my phone but I got my first compact in late 2018 and first DSLR in mid-2019. I continue to expand my gear to this day.
You can find me across the internet but here are my main profiles!
What was your most memorable photographic event?
It would have to be the sunset of 18 September 2019. This was in the midst of an extremely good period of weather coming up to the autumn equinox. I went on a long walk to Howth here in Dublin and was one of my longer walks I have done. When I got to Howth, it was your typical fine evening but as soon as the sun was at low altitude as I made way towards the lighthouse at the end of the pier walk, the sky started to light up. Sounds all very straightforward, average sunset right? That’s what I thought. I was mind blown by just how vibrant the afterglow colours got. For a 10-12 minute period, they just got more and more intense. I usually use the vivid filter on my DSLR to get the “full taste” of a sunrise or sunset but I had to turn it off this once and in post-production, turn down the saturation levels. It was really crazy.

Which is your favourite photo and why?
As I’m sure many can agree, that is a very tough question to answer. However, if I had to pick one up to this point in time, it would have to be the red sun at Sutton Strand taken on 26 March 2020. This was the first time I got to use my new lens to its full advantage. The sky turned red and the sun was at a low altitude nearly behind the obstruction. I had one chance to shine (no pun intended) with the sun turning red as it descended through a thick atmosphere. This image just happened to be the best attempt with the low tide and nature really adding to it in my opinion. This evening was special to me as it marked the start of what would become a fantastic spring in Ireland. Came second place in Storm Hour Pic of the Week too 🙂

What is your favourite piece of gear?
I don’t have much gear but my Nikon D5300 rarely disappoints me and I am very fond of my 70-300mm lens since I got it. The lensball can be fun to mess around with too, especially at sunset.
Which area of photography do you specialise in?
Landscape with a particular focus on beaches but open to all. Love weather too but Ireland’s not the most interesting country for it. However, having a huge interest in weather certainly helps with the planning and anticipation!
From a purely photographic point of view where would you most like to visit?
Iceland without a doubt for its northern lights of course and its Diamond Beach
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Just a huge thank you to Mark, Adele and the Storm Hour team for the awesome work they do. Also thank you very much for featuring me here!
If you are interested in being a Featured Photographer on StormHour, please contact mark @ stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter.