Featured Photographer Kat Wicks
"I first got into photography when I attended art college briefly, learning how to use cameras and develop the photos yourself, before digital rolled out."

Photographer Kat Wicks
(All photographs featured on this page are taken by Kat)

I first got into photography when I attended art college briefly, learning how to use cameras and develop the photos yourself, before digital rolled out. Even then preferring animal and wildlife subjects. Then for a few years I took to event photography for local music events I was attending and with the development of good affordable cameras found my way to macro photography. I love to capture nature and have settled on wildlife and landscape photography, turning some of them into prints, patterns and motifs.
You can follow Kat on Twitter or Instagram
Alternatively, check out her blog here or view more of her work on iStock by Getty Images
What was your most memorable photographic event?
Arriving in Spain on my honeymoon to a sky filled with lenticular clouds, one of them forming into a heart shape!

Which is your favourite photo and why?
The lenticular space cloud, I was so impressed to see that.

What is your favourite piece of gear?
My camera
Which area of photography do you specialise in?
Macro photography and cloudy landscapes

Which camera type do you use and which is your favourite camera (or lens)?
A Nikon D5500 with a Nikkor 85mm lens

From a purely photographic point of view where would you most like to visit?
I think I would love to visit Iceland, the idea of being able to photograph the aurora sky and ice features is extremely appealing. But I have also fallen in love with Spain and love the UK landscape but visited those places. So, Iceland.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I have recently taken to animating some of my sky and landscape photography and am enjoying this very much.
If you are interested in being a Featured Photographer on StormHour please contact mark@stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter