Featured Photographer Colin Larmour
Q and A with Featured Photographer Colin Larmour based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Q and A with Featured Photographer Colin Larmour
Colin is a photographer based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. You can follow Colin on Twitter here or check out his website whereiwalk.ca
What was your most memorable photographic event?
I have a handful or so of memorable moments/events, but, I guess my most memorable event was The 2017 Red Bull Crashed Ice World Championship held downtown in my city, The Nation’s Capital. I was a little reluctant to go because I knew it would be cold and very crowded and trust me, it was just that!! It was damn cold, to the tune of -37° degrees outside, that’s without the windchill. (hence one to remember) It was a first for me to see this event and I was able to get some shots, although not many because it was a very crowded event. I didn’t stay long at all, my fingers (let alone the rest of my body) was just too cold. I did, however, get a nice shot of our Alexandra Bridge. It’s a famous one we have here and I’ve since taken many great sunset shots of it.

Which is your favourite photo and why?
My favourite photo, that’s a tough one, I like so many. One photo I took, like most of the ones I take just down the street from my apt., (Westboro Beach area) was a sunset I called “Arizona Sunset”. It had a nice warm feel to it and was shot through a bunch of tree branches and a little bit of cloud cover that night. The best part of that photo was, I sent it in to our local news station CBC Ottawa TV News. You can send your photos in and have a chance of them being picked and featured on the news as a photo of the day. Well, low and behold, I got lucky and the main Meteorologist at CBC Ottawa TV, Ian Black, emailed me and asked if he could feature my photo on the show that night. I was completely caught off guard because it was the first time one of my photos was featured on TV. Since then, I’ve had many photos featured on CBC Ottawa TV News and their CBC Our Ottawa program which featured local talent and what the city has to offer; all this is thanks to Ian Black.

What is your favourite piece of gear?
My favourite piece of gear is my new Tamron for Canon 18-400mm Lens I recently bought at Henry’s Camera store here in Ottawa. I love it and I can zoom across the Ottawa River here and get a better sunset shot now with the sailboats in view. It’s all I need. (I do have the regular Canon 18-55mm which is nice as well)
Which area of photography do you specialize in?
I’ve done all kinds of shots, but my main one now is landscape/scenery with a focus on sunsets. It’s always a nice way to end the day, relaxing and taking it all in with a glass of wine and the lens on the sun.
Which camera type do you use and which is your favourite camera (or lens)?
At present believe it or not, I’ve been using a Canon EOS SL1 and I tell you, it’s a super light camera and has a fair amount of bells & whistles; it gets the job done for me. In the not so far future, I’ll be buying the Canon EOS 90D, that for me is an amazing full-frame camera; that’ll be it for me!

From a purely photographic point of view where would you most like to visit?
Well, living in Canada, we have some pretty amazing landscapes to shoot and for me, I’d like to head into The Canadian Rocky Mountains. If you’ve not seen them, well, put those on your bucket list and you won’t be disappointed!! Mountains, Glaciers, Turquoise colour water fed by the glaciers and so much more; it’s a must-see! Switzerland would be another place; I’d love to take full advantage of their breathtaking landscapes.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
There’s a lot I would love to share but that would be like an auto bio hard cover book! I just like taking pictures and having them shown to others who can appreciate what I’ve done. The photos you see here are of Ottawa. Google Ottawa Rideau Canal, it’s our world’s longest canal to skate on. My friends said they like my photos, some say I have a good eye, so with that, I continue on doing so. The Mayor of Ottawa started following me on social media and commenting on my photos, along with some other local celebrities. I felt honoured and yet humble too. I ended up making and giving out some Limited Edition 2022 Calendars which include some of the photos on this site and CBC Ottawa TV News. People loved them, so I’ll be doing it again in the years to come. I am working on a photo book and I hope to sell it one day at our local Chapters / Indigo Book Stores and have some directly available through me. Keep an eye on me and you’ll find out when it comes available.
I really appreciate you reading this and hope you like my photos on Where I Walk. Thank you all.