Featured Meteorologist Zack Green
This Morning Meteorologist Zack Green from Boston, MA

Q and A with WBZ This Morning Meteorologist Zack Green from Boston, MA
Zack had an odd path to meteorology. After graduating from the University of Delaware with an Atmospheric Science degree, he travelled domestically and internationally for 18 months before taking his first broadcast position. He is currently the weekday morning meteorologist for WBZ in Boston. He previously held the same position at WJAR in Providence, RI. Zack spent his early television years in Montana and North Carolina.
You can follow Zack on Twitter, check out his Facebook page or find him over on Instagram!
What was your most memorable weather event?
Having lived or worked in the northern Rockies, the southeast, and New England, I’ve been thrown a lot of curveballs and had extremely memorable weather moments. But the one that has stuck with me the most came when I was much younger. The “April Fools” blizzard of 1997 dropped 18 inches in my home state of Rhode Island! Quite a way to start meteorological Spring. Certainly something I’ll never forget.
What is your favourite and least favourite type of weather?
Having watched the impacts of freezing rain first-hand, I’d have to say that is my least favorite type of weather. Forecasting is always a great challenge and puts a lot of my winter meteorology knowledge to work, but the danger it creates for drivers and weighted power lines is something I wish we could avoid.
My favorite type of weather to forecast (and personally enjoy) has to be snow. The nuances and variability of a developing nor’easter are really interesting to me. Also getting snow in the mountains of New England means great ski days!
If you weren’t a meteorologist, what would you most like to be?
Either an NBA Scout or a position involving elephant conservation…very different! Growing up, I always said I wanted to be in the NBA. Clearly, that wasn’t going to happen so scouting the next group would be the closest thing! But, after living in Sri Lanka at an elephant rehabilitation centre, I’d likely work with the animals. I’d love to continue the amazing effort of other conservationists and help educate the public on the human-elephant conflict.

From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?
As I mentioned before, I’ve touched upon a lot of the country in my personal endeavours and for broadcast television. Without hesitation, I’d be back in Asheville, NC. To me, there’s nothing like the Blue Ridge. Low humidity in the summer. Less than harsh winters. And the best Fall you can imagine.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Feel free to follow me on my social media pages for GoPro videos of my travels and interesting weather information!