Featured Meteorologist Sagay Galindo
Sagay has had the honor of being able to forecast various types of weather from the east coast to the west.

Q and A with Sagay Galindo Meteorologist at WMC5 in Memphis, Tennessee

Meteorologist Sagay Galindo is a native of Chesapeake, Virginia, but as a military spouse “home is where the Navy takes you.” Sagay has had the honor of being able to forecast various types of weather from the east coast to the west.
You can read Sagay’s Bio here or Follow Sagay on Twitter and also over on Facebook
1. What was your most memorable weather event?
My most memorable event had to be Hurricane Irene. It was the first hurricane of the 2011 hurricane season. At the time was a meteorologist in my hometown. I was in the Hampton Roads covering weather in southeast Virginia and northeastern North Carolina. Irene was unpredictable and tough to forecast. It was expected to slam into Florida which didn’t happen and at one point it was forecast to become a cat 4 and thankfully that didn’t happen. However, it was a category 1 at landfall and ended causing quite a bit of destruction due some of the worst storm surge flooding.
It wasn’t just the flooding and damage it caused to my hometown but it was also personal. I remembered coming home after covering the storm and my kitchen sustained water damage. Water had somehow gotten under the flashing and the water caused my kitchen ceiling to cave. It was quite a day!
2. What is your favorite and least favorite type of weather?
My favorite weather to forecast are hurricanes. I am fascinated by the structure and power of hurricanes. It’s just incredibly cool to watch the life cycle from a tropical wave all the way to the end to when it deteriorates. My least favorite is probably snow because forecasting accumulation is sometimes a beast.
3. If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?
I would have been a volcanologist or have a show where I could travel and explore different cuisines.
4. From a purely meteorological point of view where would you most like to live?
The Bahama Islands where some of the most strongest canes have made landfall.
5. Is there anything else you would like to share?
I realize how blessed I am that I have been able to broadcast weather. I am so appreciative of the viewers who have allowed me to become apart of their lives. I am so grateful! I would also like to say thank you to Mark for selecting me and his patience. As a mom of three sometimes I can’t remember much. 🙂
If you are interested in being a Featured Meteorologist on StormHour please contact mark@stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter