Featured Meteorologist Alex Biston
Alex was a part of Emmy-award-winning coverage of the 2018 Thomas Fire

Q and A with Alex Biston Meteorologist on CBSLA & KCAL9
Alex came to CBS after working as both a weather forecaster and as the Ventura County bureau reporter for the ABC/CBS affiliate, KEYT in Santa Barbara. While working Santa Barbara, Alex was a part of Emmy-award-winning coverage of the 2018 Thomas Fire
You can follow Alex on Twitter here or read Alex’s Full Bio Here
1. What was your most memorable weather event?
Born and raised in Los Angeles, I loved moving to Oregon for a few years where I was able to experience all four seasons and I even covered some crazy snow storms! My most memorable events would have to be covering the recent California wildfires.
My family was evacuated from our home during the Woolsey Fire, so it brought a completely difference perspective to wildfires.
The 2018 Thomas Fire and subsequent debris flow in Montecito was an event that will forever change the Santa Barbara and Ventura community.
At the time I was a field reporter, and going from wall-to-wall fire coverage to just a few weeks later dealing with a deadly mud and debris flow showed Southern California and the world the power of Mother Nature.
2. What is your favourite and least favourite type of weather?
My favorite type of weather is probably the least exciting type. A day at the beach where it’s sunny and 75 will never get old! It’s the reason we put up with high taxes and horrible traffic 😉
Forecasting Santa Ana wind events are interesting, but might be my least favorite.
We associate those winds with destructive wildfires, so there are a lot of hazards when it comes to Santa Anas.
3. If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?
If I wasn’t a meteorologist, I would most likely still do something in the communications field.
I have always been fascinated by that aspect of our jobs, so maybe something in public relations.
4. From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?
I think it would be great to live in the Southeast US. Forecasting hurricanes in the summer and fall the would be both terrifying and awesome!
If you are interested in being a Featured Meteorologist on StormHour please contact mark@stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter