Daily Themes: Photo Favourites 16th December 2023

Join us on Twitter for our Daily Themes journey, celebrating the world's beauty through inspiring photography.

Daily Themes: Photo Favourites  16th December 2023

A warm welcome to this week's new members! This is our weekly round-up of the Daily Themes favourites. Thank you all and feel free to email me at mark@stormhour.com with any questions, feedback, or just to say hello.

Look out for the photo of the week announcement on Monday morning.

Monday: Globes

Bird on a frozen globe by Anna Sereno @Artemis71873632

Tuesday: Frost

Frost Feathers by iria @iwillowheart

Wednesday: People

Bruce Springsteen and People by Lyndall Lambert @LyndyMiami

Thursday: Footsteps

Footprints in the black sand of Iceland by Páll Jökull @Palljokull

Friday: Sun or Moon Optical Phenomenon

Brocken spectre, Ben Cruachan, Scotland by Annabel Holmes @annabeljholmes