Featured Meteorologist Chris Tomer
Chris is the daybreak Meteorologist in Denver
Q and A with StormHour Featured Meteorologist – Chris Tomer from Denver, CO.
Chris Tomer. Denver, CO.
Chris is the daybreak Meteorologist in Denver. He climbs mountains, runs trails, & forecasts weather for Teams around the world.
Question 1. What was your most memorable weather event?
I’ll never forget the night I slept on the summit of 14,037ft Little Bear Peak back in July 2011. It was the heart of Monsoon Season. I reached the summit just before sunset watching the afternoon thunderstorms track just south of the peak. I felt confident the storm track that night would be far enough south that I would be safe sleeping on the summit. That night I woke up numerous times and it was the most memorable weather i’ve ever witnessed. Just across the Colorado-New Mexico border thunderstorm after thunderstorm tracked from west to east. The resulting lightning show was non-stop and took my breath away. I’d sleep for a couple hours then reawaken to see more. I could see the lightning arc across the thunderstorm in every direction. It looked like a giant mushroom lit-up like a Christmas light.
Question 2. What is your favourite and least favourite type of weather?
My favorite type of weather has changed over the years. I’m intrigued by tornadoes and thunderstorms, but my deepest interest lies in mountain weather. I’ve become an expert on high altitude weather. My least favorite weather is extreme wind.
Question 3. If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?
If I wasn’t a meteorologist I would be a teacher or sports scientist with emphasis on performance and nutrition.
Question 4. From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?
If weather was the primary concern I would choose Denver. So, i’m right where I belong!
Question 5. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I’m out every week climbing, trail running, and snow skiing in the very weather I predict. As a result I’ve developed a rare understanding of how weather really works in the mountains. I’ve seen the difference between what a model says will happen and what actually happens.
If you are interested in being a Featured Meteorologist on StormHour please contact mark @ stormhour.com or via DM on Twitter