Featured Meteorologist Adam Epstein
Adam Epstein joined the WGME Weather team in September, 2015

Q and A with StormHour Featured Meteorologist – Adam Epstein
Adam Epstein. Portland, Maine.
Adam Epstein joined the WGME Weather team in September, 2015. Prior to his arrival in Portland, he worked in New York as a News 12 Networks meteorologist.
He is from Port Washington, NY.
Question 1. What was your most memorable weather event?
The first time I can recall admiring the weather was as a young boy, getting out of my parents’ car at home. It was snowing heavily and the dark sky brightened with flashes of light. Soon after, I heard muffled rumbles and later realized I had witnessed thunder-snow. I began loving weather that day.I will also never forget forecasting Hurricane Sandy. I’m from Long Island, New York, but was studying at Cornell University in Ithaca when Sandy hit. I vividly recall my professor, Professor Wysocki, telling us, in a sombre tone, that this could be very bad. This was 7 days prior to landfall. I promptly called my parents after class, and my news was received with skepticism. At school, we monitored the progress of the storm day by day. Sure enough, Professor Wysocki was absolutely correct and my hometown of Port Washington, New York was under water. My parents were without power for weeks.
Question 2. What is your favourite and least favourite type of weather?
I absolutely love sunny and 75. To me, that’s perfection. I enjoy living in the northeast, because when those sunny and 75 days come, I truly appreciate it. My least favorite type of weather is freezing rain. Aside from often being difficult to forecast, I have personal vendetta against the phenomenon. During time I spent in Raleigh, North Carolina there was a strong cold air damming event that resulted in days of gloomy weather and a healthy amount of freezing rain. I went to walk down some concrete steps, my leg flew out from under me, and before I knew it I was halfway down the 10 steps, hitting my behind on each one until I reached the bottom. I looked around, saw no one, got up, and limped away. That one left a mark.
Question 3. If you weren’t a meteorologist what would you most like to be?
I’ve always considered teaching as a secondary career. I love being able to pass on knowledge. Ideally though, I’d be the lead singer of a rock band. That would be slightly more difficult, seeing as I am an awful singer.
Question 4. From a purely meteorological point of view, where would you most like to live?
Fortunately, I am here. Maine has some of the most diverse weather in the world. Maybe we don’t get the most severe weather, but we get a little bit of everything.
Question 5. Is there anything else you’d like to share?
I consider myself lucky to be able to talk about weather for a living. Growing up, people always urged me to do what I love. I loved basketball and volleyball, but came to the sad conclusion that a 5’10’’ Jewish kid probably wouldn’t make a living off those sports. I loved the weather too, though, and this passion has become my career.
More about Adam Epstein:
Adam earned his degree in Atmospheric Sciences & Meteorology from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. During his junior and senior years, he filled in for WENY-TV News in Elmira, while also working for the student run news program, Newswatch 16, at Ithaca College.Athletics have always been an integral part of Adam’s life. He captained the Cornell University Men’s Club Volleyball team his senior year and still enjoys playing competitively indoors and on the beach.Thunderstorms and blizzards initially sparked Adam’s interest in weather. Since elementary school, he aspired towards a career in broadcast meteorology.When he’s not working on the forecast in the studio, your best bet to find Adam is in the gym or on the court playing volleyball or basketball.
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